Showing data for level 97093650

Level Name RoToRi
Author Alchery
Downloads 64033
Likes 5685
Difficulty Harder (6*)
Length Long
Saved records 27
Saved versions 11

Description: Hi. I am back with this level. I expericened crush errors constantly while making this. Shout-out to Ilrell, bpi, ChunLv and nexus.
Song: Aether (new) by Jumper (ID: 589601)

Password: Not copyable
Objects: 65535
Coins: 3 (Verified)
Requested Stars: 6
Original: 76171347
Feature Score: 25045

| See copies

Saved on Source Name Downloads Likes Difficulty Version Creator Update Data Available
July 26, 2024 get (10) RoToRi 64033 5685 Harder (6*) 15 Alchery ✔️ 2.2
May 26, 2024 download RoToRi 62873 5573 Harder (6*) 15 - (Alchery) 2.2 (.gmd) - 1.21 MB
Saved on Source Name Downloads Likes Difficulty Version Creator Update Data Available
Dec. 22, 2023 download RoToRi 55219 4827 Harder (6*) 15 - (Alchery) 2.2 (.gmd) - 1.21 MB
Dec. 22, 2023 get (10) RoToRi 55189 4824 Harder (6*) 15 Alchery ✔️ 2.2
Dec. 18, 2023 get (10) RoToRi 54305 4718 Harder (6*) 14 Alchery ✔️ 2.1
Dec. 14, 2023 download RoToRi 49855 4247 Harder (6*) 14 - (Alchery) 2.1 (.gmd) - 1.15 MB
Dec. 14, 2023 get (11) RoToRi 49846 4248 Harder (6*) 14 Alchery ✔️ 2.1
Dec. 12, 2023 download RoToRi 46639 3938 Harder (6*) 13 - (Alchery) 2.1 (.gmd) - 1.15 MB
Dec. 12, 2023 get (11) RoToRi 46632 3935 Harder (6*) 13 Alchery ✔️ 2.1
Dec. 11, 2023 download RoToRi 40052 3409 Harder (6*) 12 - (Alchery) 2.1 (.gmd) - 1.15 MB
Dec. 11, 2023 get (10) RoToRi 39296 3370 Harder (6*) 12 Alchery ✔️ 2.1
Dec. 10, 2023 download RoToRi 35230 3064 Harder (6*) 11 - (Alchery) 2.1 (.gmd) - 1.15 MB
Dec. 9, 2023 get (3) RoToRi 26694 2409 Harder (6*) 11 Alchery ✔️ 2.1
Dec. 8, 2023 download RoToRi 9296 951 Harder (6*) 9 - (Alchery) 2.1 (.gmd) - 1.15 MB
Dec. 8, 2023 get (11) RoToRi 9296 951 Harder (6*) 9 Alchery ✔️ 2.1
Dec. 8, 2023 get (11) RoToRi 8920 907 Harder (6*) 8 Alchery ✔️ 2.1
Dec. 8, 2023 download RoToRi 8920 906 Harder (6*) 8 - (Alchery) 2.1 (.gmd) - 1.15 MB
Dec. 8, 2023 download RoToRi 7923 788 Harder (6*) 7 - (Alchery) 2.1 (.gmd) - 1.15 MB
Dec. 8, 2023 get (11) RoToRi 7885 783 Harder (6*) 7 Alchery ✔️ 2.1
Dec. 8, 2023 download RoToRi 3403 272 Harder (6*) 6 - (Alchery) 2.1 (.gmd) - 1.15 MB
Dec. 8, 2023 get (11) RoToRi 3403 272 Harder (6*) 6 Alchery ✔️ 2.1
Dec. 7, 2023 download RoToRi 3086 248 Harder (0*) 6 - (Alchery) 2.1 (.gmd) - 1.15 MB
Dec. 7, 2023 get (3) RoToRi 2943 232 Harder (0*) 6 Alchery ✔️ 2.1
Dec. 7, 2023 download RoToRi 82 24 Insane (0*) 5 - (Alchery) 2.1 (.gmd) - 1.15 MB
Dec. 6, 2023 get (3) RoToRi 81 23 Insane (0*) 5 Alchery ✔️ 2.1
Dec. 6, 2023 download RoToRi 25 5 N/A (0*) 3 - (Alchery) 2.1 (.gmd) - 1.15 MB
Dec. 6, 2023 get (4) RoToRi 0 0 N/A (0*) 1 Alchery ✔️ 2.1
Saved on Source Name Downloads Likes Difficulty Version Creator Update Data Available
May 26, 2024 download RoToRi 62873 5573 Harder (6*) 15 - (Alchery) 2.2 (.gmd) - 1.21 MB
Dec. 14, 2023 download RoToRi 49855 4247 Harder (6*) 14 - (Alchery) 2.1 (.gmd) - 1.15 MB
Dec. 12, 2023 download RoToRi 46639 3938 Harder (6*) 13 - (Alchery) 2.1 (.gmd) - 1.15 MB
Dec. 11, 2023 download RoToRi 40052 3409 Harder (6*) 12 - (Alchery) 2.1 (.gmd) - 1.15 MB
Dec. 10, 2023 download RoToRi 35230 3064 Harder (6*) 11 - (Alchery) 2.1 (.gmd) - 1.15 MB
Dec. 8, 2023 download RoToRi 9296 951 Harder (6*) 9 - (Alchery) 2.1 (.gmd) - 1.15 MB
Dec. 8, 2023 download RoToRi 8920 906 Harder (6*) 8 - (Alchery) 2.1 (.gmd) - 1.15 MB
Dec. 8, 2023 download RoToRi 7923 788 Harder (6*) 7 - (Alchery) 2.1 (.gmd) - 1.15 MB
Dec. 8, 2023 download RoToRi 3403 272 Harder (6*) 6 - (Alchery) 2.1 (.gmd) - 1.15 MB
Dec. 7, 2023 download RoToRi 82 24 Insane (0*) 5 - (Alchery) 2.1 (.gmd) - 1.15 MB
Dec. 6, 2023 download RoToRi 25 5 N/A (0*) 3 - (Alchery) 2.1 (.gmd) - 1.15 MB

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