Showing data for level 93598290
Level Name | Ambient |
Author | iriswolfx |
Downloads | 425286 |
Likes | 57414 |
Difficulty | Easy (2*) |
Featured | ✅ |
Length | Long |
Saved records | 14 |
Saved versions | 2 |
Description: Chill level, easy, not auto, so u have to click :D (secret way fixed bruh)
Song: Starlite (Ft. Phelian) by GalaxyTones (ID: 1229829)
Saved on | Source | Name | Downloads | Likes | Difficulty | Version | Creator | Update | Data Available |
Oct. 7, 2024 | get (10) | Ambient | 425286 | 57414 | Easy (2*) ✅ | 2 | iriswolfx ✔️ | 2.1 | ❌ |
Jan. 30, 2024 | glm_03 | Ambient | 347933 | 48790 | Easy (2*) ✅ | 2 | iriswolfx ❌ | None | ❌ |
Saved on | Source | Name | Downloads | Likes | Difficulty | Version | Creator | Update | Data Available |
Nov. 18, 2023 | glm_03 | Ambient | 336752 | 47504 | Easy (2*) ✅ | 2 | iriswolfx ✔️ | 2.1 | ❌ |
Oct. 14, 2023 | glm_03 | Ambient | 347933 | 48790 | Easy (2*) ✅ | 2 | iriswolfx ✔️ | 2.1 | ✅ (.gmd) - 355 KB |
Sept. 2, 2023 | get (10) | Ambient | 337524 | 47617 | Easy (2*) ✅ | 2 | iriswolfx ✔️ | 2.1 | ❌ |
Aug. 26, 2023 | glm_10 | Ambient | 91263 | 14880 | Easy (2*) ✅ | 2 | iriswolfx ✔️ | 2.1 | ✅ (.gmd) - 355 KB |
Aug. 25, 2023 | download | Ambient | 31308 | 5428 | Easy (2*) ✅ | 2 | - (iriswolfx) | 2.1 | ✅ (.gmd) - 355 KB |
Aug. 25, 2023 | download | Ambient | 30144 | 5291 | Easy (2*) ✅ | 2 | iriswolfx ✔️ | 2.1 | ✅ (.gmd) - 355 KB |
Aug. 25, 2023 | download | Ambient | 14343 | 2626 | Easy (2*) ✅ | 2 | iriswolfx ✔️ | 2.1 | ✅ (.gmd) - 355 KB |
Aug. 24, 2023 | get (11) | Ambient | 11445 | 2215 | Easy (2*) ✅ | 2 | iriswolfx ✔️ | 2.1 | ❌ |
Aug. 24, 2023 | get (11) | Ambient | 944 | 118 | Easy (2*) ✅ | 1 | iriswolfx ✔️ | 2.1 | ❌ |
Aug. 21, 2023 | get (3) | Ambient | 427 | 53 | Hard (0*) | 1 | iriswolfx ✔️ | 2.1 | ❌ |
Aug. 21, 2023 | download | Ambient | 303 | 40 | Normal (0*) | 1 | - (iriswolfx) | 2.1 | ✅ (.gmd) - 355 KB |
Aug. 20, 2023 | get (7) | Ambient | 289 | 38 | Normal (0*) | 1 | iriswolfx ✔️ | 2.1 | ❌ |
Saved on | Source | Name | Downloads | Likes | Difficulty | Version | Creator | Update | Data Available |
Oct. 14, 2023 | glm_03 | Ambient | 347933 | 48790 | Easy (2*) ✅ | 2 | iriswolfx ✔️ | 2.1 | ✅ (.gmd) - 355 KB |
Aug. 21, 2023 | download | Ambient | 303 | 40 | Normal (0*) | 1 | - (iriswolfx) | 2.1 | ✅ (.gmd) - 355 KB |
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