Showing data for level 100776856

Level Name 2
Author chdee
Downloads 32
Likes 7
Difficulty Harder (0*)
Length Long
Saved records 2
Saved versions 1

Description: (No description provided.)
Song: At the Speed of Light by Dimrain47 (ID: 467339)

Password: Free copy
Objects: 9711
Coins: 0
Requested Stars: 9
Original: 97747444
Feature Score: 0

Time spent editing: 14:26:21
Time spent editing (copies): 0:03:34
Verification time: 18136 steps (approx. 0:01:15.567)
| See copies

Saved on Source Name Downloads Likes Difficulty Version Creator Update Data Available
Feb. 12, 2024 download 2 32 7 Harder (0*) 1 - (chdee) 2.2 (.gmd) - 69.7 KB
Feb. 12, 2024 get (4) 2 0 0 N/A (0*) 1 chdee ✔️ 2.2
Saved on Source Name Downloads Likes Difficulty Version Creator Update Data Available
Feb. 12, 2024 download 2 32 7 Harder (0*) 1 - (chdee) 2.2 (.gmd) - 69.7 KB